Cassava Fundamentals

Explore this six-part video series to learn how Cassava works, from initial registration to publishing your first Experience.

Prefer hands-on learning? Enroll today and immerse yourself in the interactive Onboarding demo. Experience how Cassava works by actively using it, just like your future audience will.

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Part I. Registration

Learn how to get up and running by first provisioning an account in Cassava using your preferred platform - Slack, Microsoft Teams, Webex, or good old-fashioned email.

Part II. Onboaring Demo

Learn how Cassava works by using Cassava. In this episode you will play the role of the audience member by publishing the interactive training program to your platform.

Part III. Content Creation

In this video, we will explore how content is organized in Cassava using high-level Disciplines, Principles, Attachments, and Assessments. Our first training program will deconstruct SMART goals into these high-level components. Additionally, you will gain an understanding of chunking and other key productivity concepts.

Part IV. Generate Previews

Learn how to preview the Round distributions of a schedule in Cassava and render the content directly to your connected channels for inspection. Previews along you to iterate on your content during authorship.

Part V. Assemble an Audience

Discover the art of assembling an audience in Cassava from the members of your organization. Along the journey, you will see how an audience can encompass one or more distribution channels.

Part VI. Publish

This is what Cassava is all about: It's time to put all the pieces together and publish your first Experience. See how this milestone opens the door to a wealth of insights from engagement analytics.

Bonus Video - Advanced Client Enrollment Workflow

Explore this bonus video to learn how to run business coaching facilitations with Cassava's Advanced Client Enrollment workflow. You will experience this seamless workflow from both the coach's and the client's perspectives.
Get Started for Free
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